From kids that love writing to kids that hate it-- I've got you covered!

Through engaging, energetic, and low-stress classes for kids, I show reluctant writers, perfectionist writers, and even enthusiastic writers how to find joy, challenge, and excitement in writing.

I also teach parents and caregivers these methods and strategies in my Raising A Writer Masterclass, empowering them to make their kids love writing!


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Getting kids to love writing really just comes down to five main things, which I call the "Big Five".

And the first one?

Well, it's mostly to do with you.


Let's get writing!

The resources you need to make your kid love writing.

Parent Masterclass

Six asynchronous video modules, actionable steps, games, strategies, and even scripts to get the most reluctant of kids writing.


Classes for Kids

Live online courses for kids, taught by published authors. We've got reading and writing classes of all stripes-- check them out!


Love Writing Journals

Journals for kids, plus a coordinating one for adults that's cram full of tips and tricks to make your kid love writing. Get them now!




I'm the author of a whole mess of books for kids— like the Ellie, Engineer series, the Pip Bartlett series, and the Doublecross series. I’m also a teacher! I’ve taught over 10,000 kids online, and another few thousand in person at schools, libraries, camps, and seminars across the world.

Some of those kids are avid and enthusiastic writers, but many of them are reluctant writers, or even self-proclaimed writing-haters. Their adults sign them up for my classes, often with some variation on the following request: Make my kid love writing.


To which I respond: Absolutely. We can do this.

Jenny K.

"...Jackson is enthusiastic, organized, and helps children find their voice."


Jen T.

"After taking this class, my 8-year-old son BEGGED me to take it again (and any other class with Jackson Pearce). He was even willing to take a 7am offering from her! I love hearing her teach the class-- she is so engaged and my son has learned so much."

Kimberly W.

"Wonderful and engaging teacher who celebrates each child for exactly who they are. We will be signing up for more classes 100%!"